Meeting when both on a trip in Charleston fate would have made a play for these two beautiful souls to meet. Marylynn on a sisters trip and Ben on a stop with his sponsor mother, Pam while out to sea both bumped into each other at a local bar on early afternoon. At first these two were shy at first and although they had seen each other neither of them made the first move. Next following day while out nd about the girls’ noticed Pam and Marylyn left her number to give to Ben. The rest was filled with romantic conversations and butterflies every time they would see each other again. I think after the 10th mile on one of their dates after viewing Central Park, 5th Ave, and Freedom Tower they both knew this was love.
They shared a romantic yet formal wedding held at Trump in Bedminster, NJ. The combination of champagne dresses and the formal dress white uniforms matched perfectly as they traveling the grounds filled with beautiful architecture, flowing fountains and the infamous Ivanka Staircase. No matter how many weddings I photograph at this venue, Trump National Bedminster will always have a special place in my heart along with the most amazing and genuine planners that make sure each and every part of the wedding day are on time and running smoothly.
